Such was the case with the illustration above appeared in the December 15, 1888 weekly in the Harper's Young People Illustrated Book on page 76. It was entitled " The doctor drew the man's left hand to him and felt his pulse" and was part of a story entitled "Uncle Peter's Trust" written by George B. Perry about a dying man.
You can just feel the sorrow and compassion in the room for this man as he lay dying.
The illustration above appeared in the December 1, 1888 weekly in the Harper's Young People Illustrated Book on page 40. It was entitled "Frank was contented to lie still while she chattered to him." It was drawn for the story entitled "Floride's Patient. A True Story of the War." written by Bertha Watson.
You can just feel the compassion the young girl has for the young man in the hospital bed and her desire to cheer him up.

The illustration above appeared in the March 30, 1889 weekly in the Harper's Young People Illustrated Book on page 312. It was entitled "The boy murmured softly to his mute playmate and toyed with his ears."
There is no doubt the mother above is concerned for her sick child and her need to comfort him. Even the family dog tries to do what he can.
I hope you enjoyed the Victorian illustrations of real life shown above.
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