
Saturday, September 10, 2005

Gray is Beautiful, Too!

In responding to a post in one of my favorite forums regarding hair I got to thinking about hair and aging. Why is our society so focused on youth and being thin as a rail? Why is aging so terrifying to everyone? I don't know. We all age.

When I was young (and that was a long time ago - hey, be nice now) I was thin as a rail. In fact, I was so thin one of my friends used to tell me that if I turned sideways you wouldn't be able to see me or I'd blow over. My mother was always fretting over how thin I was. I don't know why. She was as thin as a rail when she was younger (and that WAS a long, long time ago.) However, she used to love to tell me that "Don't worry darling, it will catch up with you." I'd reply " No way!" She'd just laugh. I'm sure she was thinking (okay miss know-it-all). Well, that was then, and now is now. Unfortunately, my mother was right. Boy do I hate admitting that!

So, the sad reality is that as you age Mother Nature has her own private way of saying "I gotcha!" Is it any surprise that she is named "MOTHER" nature?

According to my doctor we gain an average of 10 pounds per decade. Okay, I can live with that. When I heard that I decided that I should design some "pleasantly plump dolls." After all, they say that pets start to look like their owners. I figure dolls probably do as well. Alas, my "Pleasantly Plump Doll Pattern Series" was born.

I'm always getting sidetracked. Aren't I? In any event, back to the graying. I thought "Gray is beautiful, too! Isn't it?" Be careful now, everyone gets older. If you're not nice there will be a stampede of aging, graying, not rail thin, seniors on your doorstep tomorrow. Anyways, I got to thinking, shouldn't we honor those of us from the baby boom generation (of which I am a member) who are aging so beautifully. After all, we have our own magazine "More" (which I love). Why shouldn't the dolls we grown-up girls still love look like us? We should be PROUD of our age, PROUD of the way we look, PROUD to be GRAY. Shouldn't we?

Yes we should. So, I decided that I should design a new series of dolls called my "Gray is Beautiful Series" to honor all of us beautiful women. So stay tuned to my Linda's BLOG all of you old, graying, baby boomer generation women. The GRAYS will be here by this winter and they will be DROP DEAD GORGEOUS. After all, they have to take after their owners. Don't they?

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